An innovative employer in Kummerfeld near Pinneberg.

FAS Füllanlagenservice: everything for beverage technology

24/7 Service

phone +49 4101 7942-0

Looking for a new challenge?

Do you count yourself among the technicians in the beverage industry who can impress with their ability to think outside the box for types of plants, systems and manufacturers as well as having travel flexibility for spontaneous service assignments? If yes, then you will probably fit well into our team. Even if we do not currently have a vacancy, we still view every initiative application because one can never know in advance.

This also applies to the people for our future. We are a training company for industrial salesman/saleswoman. Our workplaces are also currently occupied in these areas but, when you are looking for something in the medium term, an initiative application is always worthwhile.

FAS expands portfolio with EUROSTAR filling lines

In the international beverage industry, we are one of the leading suppliers of spare parts and components for bottle and can fillers, bottle washers…

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